Yes! Students interact on the private writing community with through writing sessions, providing positive feedback, and discussing books. I encourage everyone to form live book clubs with friends and family as well as post their answers to the...

  • You should create a student account on Story Quest Academy. You can always change the name after you setup the account.

  • You just need an email address for each student. Once you have signed up for the first account, just log out by clicking on your name in the right hand corner and click log out. You will be able to sign up for another account.

  • All Story Quest courses are intended for Middle Grade and High School students so the age range is 8-17.

  • Short for "Engagement Points", EP are points awarded for engagement!

    You can see how much EP you have earned at all times by looking at the header bar.  You'll see total EP and then EP broken down by product when you click on the total # of...

  • You can remove yourself from the Leaderboard on your Profile page. 

    You find the option to access your account details under your user menu when logged into your account:


  • You can view your payment details on the Billing page. 

    You find the option to access your payment details under your user menu when logged into your account:


  • You can change your name on your Profile page. 

    You find the option to access your account details under your user menu when logged into your account:


  • You can change your name on your Profile page. 

    You find the option to access your account details under your user menu when logged into your account:


  • You can view your account details on the Profile page. 

    You find the option to access your account details under your user menu when logged into your account:
